Our History
The Lions Eye Health Program was launched in Australia as a pilot project in 2000. This initial trial, funded by LCIF as a SightFirst project was conducted in District 201V2 where it proved highly successful. With further significant funding from SightFirst, the program was extended nationally in 2001. Since that time more than 70% of all Lions Clubs in Australia have participated in the program.

In May 2006 the MD National Convention endorsed a proposal for the Lions Eye Health Program to become a Multiple District Category B Project. This endorsement recognised the impact that LEHP has made in educating our community about avoidable vision loss and blindness. The program continues to operate as Category B Project and is funded by voluntary donations received from Lions clubs across Australia.
Over time the breadth of the program has significantly increased, moving from a singular focus of avoidable vision loss in the 40+ age group, to implementing a variety of campaigns including Indigenous Eye Health and more recently the introduction of a Vision Screening Program for children.