Part 4

Conducting a ‘hands-on workshop’


As well as covering the arrangements for a Screening Session and the methods used to screen children, ‘Hands-on Workshop’ training should also offer participants a chance to practice with the equipment used and be assessed as competent at each station.

Everyone should learn how to use the testing devices and at least two or three should become familiar with the camera and how to enter information at the time of screening.

It is also advised that two or three participants understand how to conduct the Reception Desk check-in and check-out duties.

The Activities and Tips


What to wear and bring to a Screening Session –

Ideally Club or Lions shirts with name tags should be worn and ‘Working with Children’ credentials carried so they can be viewed if requested by the host organisation.
Screener ID Badges, supplied with the screening kit, should be used to identify Qualified Screeners and Facilitators.

    As this will be a Lions Club activity, a sign on sheet should be used to record those volunteers assisting, especially for insurance purposes.
    The recommended Screening Session Sign on Sheet can be downloaded here.

    The screening room and equipment should be set up with adequate space for moving the students between stations, offering correct lighting and limited distractions. All tests should be conducted under average room lighting. However the camera may need to be used in a slightly darker environment.

    An adequate area, to be used as a reception and check-out desk, also needs to be included.

    If it is intended to take photographs for promotional purpose the appropriate permission forms need to be provided and processed.

      Interacting with Screening Participants –

      • Make it fun and smile at the student to make them feel comfortable.
      • Ensure the child being examined is aware it is not a ‘test’. Perhaps by saying that we have some games for them to play.
      • Always tell the child they “did a great job”.
      • Never touch the student or be alone in a room or confined space with a child.
      • Do not show frustration if a child is not cooperating. If they are bored or not interested, pass them on to the next station and get them to come back later.
      • Give clear instructions as to what the test is doing (e.g. it works a bit like a camera to see if your eyes are working well, it is quick, it doesn’t hurt and you can’t get anything wrong).
      • If it seems that instructions are not being understood, try explaining them in another or different way.
      • When a result is not possible suggest a referral to an optometrist.
      • If you give out stickers to a child you should hand it to them so the child can place it on themself.

      Recording student information –

      Parent permission forms should be collected from the facility and can be numbered to identify the child but must be returned to the facility at the end of the screening session process. It is not recommended that any form of ‘list’ of students is used by the screening team.

      Each student should be issued with a numbered results slip. The slip number should be the same as on the consent form.

      It is important to ensure that the children do not exchange slips during the screening activities.
      Screeners should use positive symbols to mark this slip, rather than a tick and cross, so a participant does not get upset if they receive a cross (for referral).
      Symbols like asterisk, circle, triangle, hyphen, star, smiley face etc. can be used.
      Whatever the case, please ensure all screeners agree to use the same symbols.
      The result slip should be collected from a child once they have completed all activities and the child returned to the care of the school/facility.
      Results from the Individual slips will be used later to prepare individual Parent Letters and the Group Summary Data Sheet.

      The Activities –

      Below are comments regarding operating each screening station.
      Attendees at the training session may have some useful suggestions to add on how each station is conducted.

      Ideally at least six volunteers should be used to conduct the screening, one each for Reception, Colour, 3D Perception and the Camera and two for the Acuity chart.

      An extra volunteer is recommend, as a back-up, for relief of a screener where needed and to help manage the children’s movement from station to station.

      Reception Desk

      Pens, pencils, scissors, sanitiser or wipes and blue tack or a chart hanging device need to be available.
      Reception paperwork includes; any check list, parent permission forms (for last minute registrations), a results summary sheet, children’s screening slips and photography permission forms.

      Supplies of LEHP activity sheets for use by children waiting and stickers and brochures to take home can also be available. These can all be provided by the LEHP National Office.
      The activity sheets can be downloaded below.

        Click to download the LEHP Colouring Sheet.

        Or click to download the LEHP Word Find Sheet.

        These can both be printed off in colour or black and white.

        Privacy issues should be addressed such as; ensuring individual results are not shared with school staff or other parents at the screening session.
        Ideally a member of staff from the host organisation will be in attendance at all times to identify children and manage any issues that may arise with their participation.

        It would also be helpful if a Lion volunteer was available to greet and manage children waiting to be screened. Depending on the amount of space available and speed at which the screening stations can process participants, a limited number of children should be present in the screening area at one time, whilst others waiting can be held nearby.

          Acuity – Important Points and Tips

          Use masking tape or the foot pattern template to mark the 3m testing line.
          With two eyes open, start with the largest symbols and determine what the child calls each symbol (e.g. heart or apple.)
          You could use the shapes card for a child to point out the shape, especially if they are shy or unsure about talking.
          Test the top two lines in this way.
          Cover one eye and from the third line test two symbols on each line for the next four lines then check 5 symbols for the next two lines ending on the 6/12 line which is 10mm high.

          Cover the second eye and repeat as above. There is no need to go to smaller symbols.
          Consider using 2 charts with pointers and occluders, especially if a large number of children are to be screened.
          One volunteer should point at the chart and one should stand with the child to assess their answers.

          If a perceived fail result is evident go back to a higher line and try again.

          Refer if the child misses 1 of the 10mm (6/12) symbols with either eye.

          Colour Perception – Important Points and Tips

          Cleaning plates with a light cloth will stop a film forming on them from being handled.
          The end of a pen, a stylus, a cotton bud or a similar item can be used to trace the numbers to avoid getting sticky finger prints on the plates.
          The plates can be punched and contained in an A5 binder to make it easy to flip them in order and keep them clean.
          One volunteer will be sufficient to manage this station.
          Sit down, across from or alongside the child.
          You could explain the screening activity by saying that we are looking for hidden numbers.

          If the child is not confident with numbers, each digit can be read singularly (i.e. ‘1’ and ‘6’ rather than ’16’).
          The plates are numbered and should be shown in this order: ‘Demo’, then 1 to 7.
          (Expected answers are: 16, 2, 42, 74, 15, 5, 7, and 35)

          If a perceived fail result is evident continue to the end and revisit the plate(s) not recognised the first time.

          Refer if more than one of the numbers cannot be read.

          Depth Perception – Important Points and Tips

          It is recommended that the 3D glasses are stored in a suitable case to protect them from damage during transit.
          Where possible the 3D glasses should be wiped with an” Anti-Bacterial” cloth between students and the lens cleaned on a regular basis.
          Sit down, across from or alongside the child.
          One volunteer will be sufficient to manage this station.
          The test is conducted with two eyes open and with the polarising spectacles being worn by the child.

          If a child is concerned about wearing the glasses, they can be referred to as ‘magic glasses to help them see some secret things’.
          First ask the child if they see the fly standing out from the page. Perhaps have the child try to pick it up by the wings.
          On the small rows ask which animal stands out or is jumping out from its box in each row. This can be verbal but most children will try to pick up the animal or ‘push it back into its box’.
          To help explain the concept try; showing the fly without the glasses, close the book, get them to put the 3D glasses on, then open the book to reveal the fly again. The child usually indicates there is a difference by their facial expression.
          Correct answers are: A: Cat, B: Rabbit, C: Monkey.

          If a perceived fail result is evident offer slight encouragement.

          Refer if any of the animals are identified incorrectly and/or missed.

          Spot Vision Camera – Important Points and Tips

          Set the camera to the correct age group.
          Do a ‘test run’ to ensure that room lighting and distance from the camera are correct for a successful result.
          It sometimes helps to place paper foot prints or a mark on the floor where you want the participant to stand, or the participant may sit in a chair.

          Small children or babies can be held by a suitable adult to get the best position for screening.
          The ID number on a child’s results slip should be entered against their photo on the camera.
          Ask the child to look at the flashing lights in the camera.
          Trigger the Start screening on the camera and slowly rotate the device upward to meet both of the subject’s eyes.
          Adjust your distance from the subject until both eyes are clear on the screen.
          Be sure the camera is level and squarely pointed at the child’s eyes at exactly the same height as their eyes.
          If the camera is tilted up or down, or twisted right to left it will be difficult to obtain a good reading.
          Be sure neither you nor the participant moves during the camera’s reading process. The participant and you only need to be still for 1 second, but both of you must be still.
          If the distance changes due to movement, slowly rock forward or backward to achieve the correct distance.
          A blue screen indicates you are too close or too far from the subject.
          Once the image has been taken, save it on the camera with the child’s first name and check the number taken from their paper results slip is correct.

          If no assessment can be made try changing the lighting, distance and angle of the camera or ask the child to close their eyes for a short time in order to encourage their pupils to dilate.
          Children could be asked to wait in a darkened location prior to screening with the camera and this may also help.
          If a full eye examination is required, a copy is to be printed and provided to the facility for distribution with the parent letter.

          The camera will display whether a participant is within normal range or needs to be referred. Refer to an optometrist if a valid measurement cannot be acquired or one is prompted by the results from the camera.

          Now you know how to explain the conducting of the screening activities.

          Self Check Questions:

          What is the minimum number of Lions volunteers recommended to conduct a screening session?

          Which screening activity must be conducted individually for each eye?

          What does not need to be brought to a screening?

          One volunteer is recommended to point to shapes on the Lea Chart. What is the role of the second person at this activity station?

          What must not happen with the individual result slips?

          Why should a pointer be used, rather than fingers, to trace numbers on the colour plates?

          What special skills are required to operate the Spot Vision Screening camera?

          What can be done with an uncooperative child?