Golden Memories from Bill

Golden Memories from Bill

Golden Memories from Bill AMONG MY “GOLDEN” MEMORIES Wednesday, 23rd October 2024 was 50 years since I was inducted into the Lions Club of Timboon, and as I reflect back on my Lions journey, how fortunate I have been to have worked beside and been inspired by so many...
2024 Target Reached

2024 Target Reached

To cap off World Sight Day 2024, we are very excited to announce that, ahead of schedule, we have reached our 2024 screening target of 12,000 children, screened since January 1st. This amazing achievement wouldn’t have happened without the incredible effort from our...
World Sight Day 2024

World Sight Day 2024

On Thursday 10th October, ‘Roley’ the Lion was adopted as mascot for the LEHP Children’s Vision Screening Program, that provides free vision screening for schools, sporting clubs and community groups. Our eyes are amazing! Find out more about WSD 2024 and check out...
Lions Eye Health Program is On the Move

Lions Eye Health Program is On the Move

Introducing our new National Program Manager, Stephanie Field. Steph is replacing Leah Evans who is moving on after over 15 years of incredible service to LEHP. The Committee and volunteers extend a heartfelt thank you to Leah for her commitment to the program and...
Dubbo LEHP Presentation

Dubbo LEHP Presentation

Members of Lions Clubs in Dubbo and Naramine attended a LEHP presentation on eye health and vision screening recently. Those present were brought up to date on activities conducted around the country and support materials available to promote eye health. There was...
First School Screening in N3

First School Screening in N3

Mudgee Lions completed a Vision Screening at Lue Public School Friday 25th of November 2022.This is the first school screening in Lions District 201 N3. Thanks to Mudgee Lions for facilitating!
Meet Archie, Oscar, Claire and Quinn

Meet Archie, Oscar, Claire and Quinn

Lions Club of Rocky Cape conducted their third annual vision screening session at St Peter Chanel Catholic Primary in March 2023. During the screening session, a member of the teaching staff approached the Lions group. With great delight, and expressing sincere...
New Vision Screeners for Bathurst and beyond

New Vision Screeners for Bathurst and beyond

Mt. Panorama Lions Club hosted Lions from Bathurst and Lithgow for a LEHP presentation on eye health and vision screening. Many were keen to return the next day to undertake training to be vision screeners. Everyone was keen to experience conducting screening station...
Finn visits the Optometrist

Finn visits the Optometrist

The Leopold Lions Children’s Vision Screening Team discovered at their first screening last year just how important our program is and the difference it can make to young children. 45 children across all grades were screened at Moolap Primary School near Geelong, and...
Lions Awareness Day features Eye Health

Lions Awareness Day features Eye Health

To mark Lions Awareness Day, Cohuna Club in Victoria provided a free sausage sizzle in their main street and showcased the work of Lions in their community. The Lions Eye Health Program featured heavily in this activity, with LEHP National Training Manager, Rob...