The Process
Part 2
Organising a Screening Session
Before the Screening Session
Some of the following information is also contained in the document – Guide to Conducting a LEHP Screening – that can be downloaded here.
This is an Australian Lions program created by Lions in consultation with its’ technical partner, the Centre for Eye Health in Sydney.
It can be conducted by Lions, Lion’s Partners, Leos and Non-Lion volunteers, who undertake the required training, use the materials provided and follow the processes and methods approved by LEHP, through their Lions Club.
- Organise a presentation about the Children’s Vision Screening Program to be made to your club
This can be either by a LEHP representative, or from materials supplied by LEHP. - Survey schools or other facilities within your local area
Although some State Governments and other organisations conduct vision screening for children, some of these programs only target particular age groups or may not be as comprehensive as the LEHP screening. - Adopt the screening program as a club project
After ascertaining the desirability of the program being introduced, a Lions Club should adopt the screening program as a club project.
In order to conduct screenings and access the Lions Eye Health Program screening equipment, documentation and training a Lions Club must be a LEHP Participating Club. This involves contributing a minimum amount of $4.00 per member per annum, from the club activities account, to LEHP.
A Lions Club that wishes to conduct screening activities, using the LEHP model and resources, needs to contact the LEHP National Program Manager: Stephanie Field, PO Box 178, Seaford SA 5169 or email or phone 1800 010 234.

- Become a LEHP Qualified Vision Screener
This involves completing this online training program and registration, attending a face to face practical workshop conducted by a LEHP Instructor and attending a screening session.
- Build a team of Screeners led by an Screening Facilitator
Once a team of participants have completed the training program, additional specialist training can be provided to any Lion, Lion’s Partner or Leo who is interested and feels capable of organising and conducting screenings, so they can become a LEHP Vision Screening Facilitator. This training ensures Facilitators are fully apprised of what is required to operate in this role.
It is understood that some clubs, particularly smaller or isolated clubs, may not have enough club members available to conduct screenings. This is an opportunity to recruit new volunteers from their community, for whom this may be their only Lions project activity.
All screening volunteers must complete the LEHP Vision Screening Training and meet WHS and ‘Working with Children’ requirements, before they can be involved. Health professionals and other observers are not permitted to conduct any screening activities unless they meet the above requirements and, unless they are school staff, must not interact with the students or impede their movement. - Ensure all participants have ‘Working With Children’ clearance
Individuals who wish to be involved in vision screening need to abide by the Lions Australia Child Safe Policy and have a current ‘Working with Children’ check or similar clearance, applicable to the State in which the project is taking place. - Obtain advance documentation from LEHP
A vision screening session can be organized by a LEHP Accredited Facilitator, following the process outlined in the online training course and LEHP Children’s Vision Screening Manuals.
Screenings must not be arranged until an Accredited Facilitator and an adequate number of Qualified Screeners are available to manage and conduct the activity.
Only equipment and documentation provided and endorsed by LEHP must be utilised and circulated.
Initial paperwork, to provide to possible venues, can be requested from LEHP in writable or standard PDF form. - Make contact with a venue and request permission to conduct screenings
A Facilitator can make contact with local Preschools, Kindergartens, Schools and local sporting or community group organisers and establish if they currently have a children’s vision screening program in place. A letter of introduction for the host administrator is available (a sample is in the Facilitator Manual).
Explain why we feel testing is necessary and the benefits to their community.
If conducting a screening within a school facility a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is to be signed by a member of your Lions Club and the administrator of the organisation for whom you are providing the service (a sample is also in the Facilitator Manual). - Contact local optometrists
Inform local optometrists of your intended activity and its proposed date. Advise that their business may be contacted by referrals from the screening and explain how these have been determined. - Book screening equipment
Contact the National Program Manager to obtain a vision screening equipment request form (a sample is provided in Facilitator Manual). Complete and forward this to confirm availability for the date(s) requested. A minimum of one month’s notice is often required.
Alternatively you may have access to the necessary Screening Kit equipment through a local Club or your Lions District. - Parent Permission
Once a screening day has been confirmed, a consent form must be sent home and completed by the child’s legal guardian (a sample is in the Facilitator Manual).
Ensure these notes are sent out and returned well ahead of the organised screening day.
There is also an opportunity to accompany this form with the LEHP Children’s Vision Screening brochure.
It is recommended that people already under regular care of an optometrist or ophthalmologist DO NOT undergo vision screening.
All students to be screened must have a completed permission/disclaimer form. No permission, no screening. - Community Facility
When screening in a community environment a disclaimer needs to be signed by the child’s legal guardian prior to participation (a sample is in the Facilitator Manual).

- Prepare your Screening Team
The Screening Facilitator should confirm availability of the screeners and check that they are knowledgeable about the equipment and screening processes. Read and gain an understanding of all screening equipment and the LEHP Children’s Vision Screening manuals.
All screening equipment will produce scientifically validated results. You should completely familiarise yourself with how to conduct the screenings and how to operate the spot vision screening machine. Practice screening family and friends at home with a focus on people in the same age bracket as the targeted group. In regards to the spot vision screener (camera), ensure you practice using the instrument in different lighting conditions to assess under what situations the instrument is likely to have limitations.
- Environment considerations
When booking a room in which to conduct the screenings, ensure the location has controllable light (ability to adjust the brightness) and without direct light shining into the screening device (camera). - Allocating Tasks
Screening Tasks such as; recording participant details, conducting the four different activities, recording results, compiling the group data sheet, producing the individual results letters, managing the participants access to screening and Workplace Health and Safety requirements, need to be allocated to suitably trained volunteers by the Screening Facilitator. - Conduct the screening
Carry out the screening following the processes outlined in the next section of this course, Part 3 – Screening Activities.
Screening sessions must be treated as Lions project activities, using attendance sign-on sheets as supplied by LEHP and observing the usual risk management procedures.

After the Screening Session
Letters are to be prepared and forwarded to parents of all participants, with particular details of where any referral was recommended.
Group summary data sheets are to be forwarded to the host Lions Club, LEHP National Office and, where applicable, the school or host administrator.
Return of the equipment is also to be arranged.
(More details about record keeping will be explained in Part 4 of this course.)