Online Screener Training Registration

To register your completion of the Online LEHP Screener Training Course, please complete the form below.
Name, Lions Club and Email boxes cannot be left blank and any comments about the course or content can be entered into the ‘Message’ box.

If you are not a member of a Lions Club, please nominate a local club to which you can be associated, and make a note in the message box. 

When complete, enter the answer to the maths problem and click on the Submit button at the bottom of this form to forward your registration.

Submitting this form confirms your agreement to abide by the processes required by the LEHP Children’s Vision Screening Program and to use only the prescribed documentation as supplied.

You should receive an email acknowledging receipt of your registration with 48 hours. If not please contact:

It seems that a few people have had trouble processing the registration form due to security settings on their computer. If this is the case you should try using another device, such as tablet, phone or another computer that you may have access to through friends or family.

If this still does not work, please send all the information requested below to so we know that you have completed the online course.

Registration of Completion

Preferred Contact Method

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