World Sight Day
Happy World Sight Day
Thursday October 10th 2024
A Message from the LEHP Chair
Fellow Lions of Australia. Welcome to World Sight Day for 2024.
LEHP has a number of exciting announcements to make during the day but first please let me express my sincere thanks and congratulations to all those Lions and others involved with the Children’s Vision Screening Program for their efforts and commitment so far during 2024…….Click here to read more.
This year World Sight Day has a focus on children’s eye health so we thought it would be a great opportunity to introduce the newest member of our children’s vision screening team…
Meet Roley, our new mascot!

The LEHP Committee voted to name our mascot after the late PDG Roley McAtee OAM, the third Chair of the LEHP Management Committee. PDG Roley served as Chair from 2007 – 2020 and played a major part in the design and implementation of the Children’s Vision Screening Program.
Over the coming months you will start to see Roley popping up on our activity sheets, stickers, pull up banners, bookmarks, brochures and screening kit badges (and maybe even some more surprise locations!).
New Resources
Hot off the press, we have two new resources available to order:

How to become a Children’s Vision Screening Club
(DL brochure)
This is great to take along to Conventions or presentations and outlines all the steps a Lions Club needs to take to get involved with the Children’s Vision Screening Program and conduct screenings in their community.

This is LEHP
(A5 booklet)
A general booklet introducing LEHP and what we offer for adults as well as children. This is designed to give an overview of what we are all about and can be used for community events as well as Lions engagements.
Please complete the Order Resources form if you would like to order some of the new resources or top up your supplies.
We have also updated our website with a new section for Lions, that contains downloadable resources, logos, artwork and Powerpoint presentations – everything needed to help promote LEHP to their community.
This can be found in the ‘For Lions’ drop down menu.
Also found there is a ‘Facilitators Portal’ that provides access to resources to help Screening Facilitators manage their activities.
Here are some fun activities you can download and try on World Sight Day week,
to see how just important your eyes are and show how much you ‘Love Your Eyes’.
90% of Vision Loss is Preventable or Treatable.
However, if left undiagnosed, many conditions can lead to Irreversible Vision Loss.
The Lions Eye Health Program has a very simple message to deliver to members of your community.
Eye Examinations Save Sight
Thank you again for your continued support.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at