The Records

Part 4

Record Keeping

Screening Results

Each participant should be issued with a slip, where the results of the 4 different screening activities are recorded.
As a child completes the screening at a dedicated station their results need to be recorded.
For privacy reasons, their slip will have only their first name and allocated number.

These slips will be provided by the Lions Screening Facilitator.
Screeners should use positive symbols to mark this slip, rather than a tick and cross, so a participant does not get upset if they receive a cross (for referral).
Symbols like asterisk, circle, triangle, hyphen, star, smiley face etc. can be used.
Whatever the case please ensure all screeners agree to use the same symbols.
This slip will be returned by the participant to the screening reception at the end of their screeenings and the results transcribed onto an Individual Results Letter for the Parent/Guardian.
If conducting a screening in a school facility the method of distributing the individual results needs to be established (i.e. handed to the individual child following the screening or provided to the school administration for distribution in accordance with privacy legislation).
Parent permission forms and Individual Results letters should be returned to the school.
Where the parent has indicated that they do not wish to share their child’s results with the school, these letters should be sealed in an envelope addressed to the parent.

Preparation and Distribution of Group Data Results Sheet

The Screening Facilitator will complete a Group Data Results sheet from the Individual Results Slips.
This will include information about those that were screened, including the number screened, number referred at each station and the age group of the participants.

Names or any other personal information is not included with this information.
If applicable a copy of this summary should be given to the school or community administrator.
A copy should be kept by the Lions Club conducting the screening and a copy must be sent to the LEHP National Office in Adelaide:  LEHP National Program Manager, Stephanie Field, PO Box 178, Seaford SA 5169
or email to:

Addressing questions

Properly answer questions from the participant or parent regarding the screening results without diagnosing.

If asked why a child needs to be referred, explain that you are not a registered health practitioner and therefore are not able to diagnose specific conditions.
The only explanation you can provide is that ” based on the guidelines provided or the standards built into the equipment, it is recommended that the child see an eye care professional for a complete evaluation”.

Do not enter into a debate on the merits of screening or the equipment used. If questioned, make it clear that it is not a comprehensive eye examination.
Without indicating why a particular child failed the screening, you may discuss the various conditions the screening detects and why they are important.

Again we DO NOT indicate why a child needs a referral – this is diagnosing.

The LEHP Children’s Vision Screening brochure can be given to parents, if not already distributed. A copy of this can be downloaded here.

Photograph/Video Policy

Permission needs to be provided by the school facility, parent/guardian or individual before any photographs or video are taken and especially published.

Please ensure the LEHP ‘permission to use photograph / video’ waiver is signed before any photos or video are taken.
The waiver is part of the Parent Permission form and can also be found as a separate form in Appendix 9 of the Facilitator Manual.
Copies of all photographs and signed disclaimers/documents also need to be collated and sent to the LEHP National Program Manager at the address above.
Please keep the LEHP office informed about your screening activities and forward stories and copies of photos so they can be used in future publicity.

Now you know how to keep and forward records of screening activities.

Self Check Questions:

After a screening session letters containing each child's results are sent to ... ?

Collation of results is important because ... ?

What can we tell the participants or parents about detected conditions ?

What should be done before taking photographs at a screening ?

Should parents of participants be notified if their child does not need a further eye examination ?

Where should details of those screened, the number screened, number referred and age group of the participants be recorded ?

How should an individual child's results be recorded ?

What details about a participant should be recorded ?