Sausages Save Sight

Lions’ community sausage sizzles not only taste good but have the potential to Save Sight
Well they can if they are bought from a Lions Club BBQ or Sausage Sizzle where the proceeds are donated to the Lions Eye Health Program (LEHP). Lions, when considering where to ‘put to work’ the profits from your next Lions Club BBQ (Bunnings or otherwise) please consider this:
Over half-a-million Australians are vision impaired in both eyes to the extent that they can no longer legally drive.
90 per cent of vision loss in Australia is avoidable or treatable.
Too many Australians are losing their sight, when it didn’t have to be the case.
The annual cost of vision related problems to the Australian people is over 16 billion dollars.
But apart from this, research has found that people with vision loss are at an increased risk of; falls, hip fractures, depression, social dependence and early admission into nursing homes.
1 in 5 children has an undetected vision condition.
Where funds will be used
Profits from an upcoming BBQ being run by your club, if donated to LEHP, will contribute towards education programs to encourage all Australians to have Regular Eye Examinations to detect the effects of Diabetic Retinopathy, Age-related Macular Degeneration and Glaucoma.

Funds will also be used to conduct Vision Screenings in schools, sporting and community centres throughout the country, to detect undiagnosed vision problems in children, so they will not fall behind in school because of poor vision and can have the best possible start in life.
LEHP can supply posters, badges, brochures, stickers and other promotional items to support your ‘BBQ to Save Sight’.
Download an invitation to participate, to take to your club, here.

Donations can be sent to: The Treasurer, LEHP-Australia, PO Box 86 Camperdown Vic 3260
Or by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT):
Account Name: Lions Eye Health Program
BSB: 633 000 Account Number: 108999475
Please use the word BBQ and your Club Name as a reference
Additional Resources
This poster can help attract customers to your Sausage Sizzle and explain how funds which are raised are utilised through LEHP.
Click on the image above to view and download A4 size poster or the link below for the larger A3 version.
If you would like more information or to order copies of the complimentary posters and badges please contact the National Program Manager: