Part 3
Conducting a ‘hands-on workshop’
Reviewing the Online Course Information
Although participants that have done the online training course should know what to do at a screening, the essence of training is to reinforce knowledge and offer an opportunity to practice practical skills before being involved in ‘real life’ situations.
In fact the 3 R’s of training are Repetition, Repetition and Repetition.
A training course is designed to tell students what they will learn, tell them what they need to know and then tell them what you have told them that they need to know. Although it is repetitive, it needs to be done to ensure nothing is accidently overlooked and all information is received and understood.
As only 60% of information will be retained each time, the repetition hopefully will increase that to 100% overall.
We already have examples of ‘trained’ screeners who were not aware of certain important information.
It is noted that Skin Cancer Screeners in WA and SA are required to complete a University training module. As our program is not related to life-threatening circumstances, we can be a bit more relaxed about our Screener training.
However it is not about being OK to do the screening activities on the day, it is about understanding the whole concept of vision screening including health, communication, record keeping, privacy and other legal implications.
It is important that everyone involved in LEHP screening activities, in any way, completes the online and both practical training sessions. These can be completed in any order. This maintains the credibility of our program and instils confidence in the organisations providing participants for the screenings.
Before starting the training session, please check how many participants have completed the Online Screener Training, have registered their completion and have received a response from the LEHP Training Manager.
Any participants that have not completed all of the above, need to do that before they can be registered as Qualified Screeners and participate in Screening Sessions.
Although not all participants may have done the online study, commence the session by reviewing the content of the online course as below:
The Need –
Pilot screening sessions already conducted have shown that at least 1 in 5 children screened will be referred.
It is important to reinforce that the LEHP children’s vision screening program is for screening purposes only.
It is critical that persons undergoing screening and/ or their parents or guardians understand that this is NOT a substitute for a comprehensive eye examination.
It aims to identify ‘common vision problems’ and suggest a referral to an Optometrist or Ophthalmologist when required.
The Process –
The correct paperwork for schools and parents is contained in the appendices of the Facilitator screening manual and can be obtained as separate sheets from LEHP.
Run through each document and explain its purpose.
Use Appendix 2 – the Letter to Administrator, to introduce the program to an entity. It can be noted that; screeners have been trained and assessed against a Unit of Competency ‘Manage and Conduct a Vision Screening Session’ created by LEHP for this purpose, all volunteers involved will have the appropriate ‘Working with Children’ permissions and Work Health and Safety requirements will be followed along with any specific host organisation requirements.
Organisations could be referred to the seven minute Children’s Vision Screening Video to see more details about the program.
Once an organisation has accepted the offer to conduct a screening session, complete Appendix 3 – Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
Determine whether the school or organisation for which you are conducting the screening is prepared to send out permission letters to parents through their normal communication channels or if they require an adequate amount of printed copies to be supplied by LEHP.
Alternately, it may be necessary to supply individual class teachers with the blank forms for distribution.
Parents should receive Appendix 4 – Parent Consent Form.
We suggest that not ALL children are screened because we do not wish to intervene in a child’s eye care program if they are already being seen by health care professional.
When conducting a ‘community’ screening use Appendix 5 – Participant Disclaimer, to collect registration and permission information.
Appendix 6 – Sign on Sheet is provided so screeners attending a session can be recorded, along with confirmation of their “Working with Children’ clearance.
Addressing Questions –
Questions from the participant or parent regarding the screening results should be answered properly without diagnosing.
- When asked why a child needs to be referred we cannot diagnose as we are not registered health practitioners. The only thing we may say is that based on the guidelines provided or the standards built into the machine it is recommended that the child see an eye care professional for a complete evaluation.
- We cannot enter into a debate on the merits of screening or the equipment used. If questioned, make it clear that it is not a comprehensive eye examination.
- Without indicating why a particular child failed the screening we may discuss the various conditions the screening detects and why they are important. Again we can NOT indicate why a child needs a referral. This is diagnosing.
- Our advice should be limited to recommending follow up action and the explanations of particular conditions that may be discovered during the screening activities.
- Refer to the user manual under each particular station section for an ‘Explanation of Failed Screening Result’.
- As the scope of the LEHP children’s program is purely screening, the answer that Lions should give to any technical question raised at the screening or later is “you should ask a medical practitioner or health care professional”.
- If a qualified optometrist is in attendance at a screening they may choose to answer other questions from their own knowledge or experience.
- The LEHP Children’s Eye Health brochure can be given to parents. A copy of the content can be downloaded here.
Photograph/Video Policy –
Permission needs to be provided by the school facility, parent/guardian or individual before any photographs or video are taken and especially published.
If this has not been given at the bottom of the ‘Parent Consent Form’ (Appendix 4), please ensure the LEHP ‘Permission to use photograph / video’ waiver is signed before any photos or video are taken. A copy of the waiver can be obtained from LEHP.
Copies of all photographs and signed disclaimers/documents also need to be collated and sent to the LEHP National Program Manager at the address at the bottom of this page.